Movie Branding Project: C'mon C'mon
Advanced Problems 2 | SP23
Problem: To create a consistent multichannel experience for a movie chosen from a provided list that includes the following: a poster, multichannel pack, and a storyboard and film title sequence.
Solution: I chose the film C'mon C'mon by Mike Mills featuring Joaquin Phoenix and Woody Norman. This is a sweet story of a radio journalist (Phoenix) and his nephew (Norman) bonding and traveling together because of an unforeseen family emergency. The mood and tone of this film are soft and focus on the emotional state of each character. Mills chose to exclude color so the viewer is able to focus on the human aspect. I decided to create a collage-style poster with analogies and objects found throughout this film. The title sequence was also created with this in mind. 
The Final Poster
The Multichannel Pack
Netflix Mockup
Motion Title Sequence
Song by Mountain Man - Me and You (Wilco Cover)
Pause Play Screen
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